The City is preparing a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Airport Master Plan for each airport, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of a PEIR is to provide government agencies and the public with detailed information about the effects and cumulative impacts that a series of proposed activities may have on the environment. Beyond identifying environmental effects, a PEIR also identifies ways to avoid, minimize or mitigate those effects.
Community involvement is essential to the CEQA process, which provides several opportunities for public participation. As the first step, the City solicited input during a 30-day scoping period on the types of environmental issues, mitigation measures, and alternatives to address in the PEIR for each Plan. The City conducted public meetings during the environmental scoping period. When prepared, the Draft PEIRs will be released for public review during a 45-day public comment period. The Final PEIRs will address comments raised during the Draft PEIR public comment periods. Should the PEIRs for the proposed Plans be approved by City Council, the CEQA process would conclude with a Notice of Determination (NOD).

- Brown Field Municipal Airport Notice of PreparationÂ
- Montgomery-Gibbs Executive Airport Notice of PreparationÂ